Short title and commencement 1 these regulations may be called the central electricity authority measures relating to safety and electric supply regulations 2010.
Central electricity authority regulations 2010 book.
The central electricity authority measures relating to safety and electric supply regulations 2010.
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Cinemas regulations rules 1970.
The central electricity authority hereby makes the following regulations for measures relating to safety and electric supply namely chapter i 1.
Central electricity authority measures relating to safety and electric supply regulations 2010 gazette notifications mop gazette notification november 1998 regarding jurisdiction of electrical inspectorate cea.
Cear namely central electricity authority measures relating to safety and electric supply regulations 2010 are regulations framed by central electricity authority of india under indian electricity act 2003 to regulate measures relating to safety and electric supply in india.
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Electricity duty act 1939 and rules made thereunder.
Central electrictty authority notification new delhi the 20th september 2010 no cevl 59 cea el in exercise of the powers conferred by section 177 of the electricity act 2003 36 of 2003.
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Central electricity authority.
Account of the authority s monitoring and other activities responsibilities and statistics on the power generation and usage in the country.
3 rd draft amendment to central electricity authority measures relating to safety and electric supply regulations 2010 as amended invitation of public comments.
However these regulations are not to be relied upon to protect the plant and equipment of the requester or user.
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1 st draft amendment to central electricity authority technical standards for connectivity of distributed generation resources regulations 2013 invitation of public comments.